1937 - Product Design · Identity · UX/UI


Portraits series dedicated to the victims of Stalin’s repressions in 1937. Paper, coal, soil. British Higher School of Art and Design, 2016.

«The final project of student Svetlana Barinova is one of the best diploma works of the course «Fine arts» in the British Higher School of Art and Design. Svetlana has come a long way, coming to the course without drawing skills, she, thanks to the talent, efficiency and perseverance, has achieved amazing results. She chose a very personal theme, painful for her soul, Svetlana perfectly revealed her emotions thanks to the technique of expressive drawing and assemblage».
Arts basics of BHSAD course curator Yulia Reznikova

«Финальный проект студентки Бариновой Светланы является одной из лучших дипломных работ курса «Изобразительное искусство» в Британской высшей школе дизайна. Светлана прошла огромный путь, придя на курс без навыков рисования, она, благодаря таланту, работоспособности и упорству, добилась удивительных результатов. Выбрав тему очень личную, мучительную для ее души, Светлана прекрасно раскрыла свои эмоции благодаря используемой технике экспрессивного рисования и ассамбляжа.»
Куратор курса «Изобразительное искусство» БВШД Юлия Резникова

On 20 august 1937 my great-grandfather Vasily Barinov was killed during the repressions (The Stalin’s Great Terror) at Butovo shooting range. He was sentenced to death for «anti-soviet agitation» by «article 58» of RSFSR penal code.
Vasily Barinov used to be an independent farmer and lived in province near Moscow. During the Revolution private households were forcibly transformed into collective farms, so many people suffered. Also Vasily had hired workers which was strictly forbidden by soviet laws.
But that’s not all. Communists destroyed orthodox churches and killed or arrested priests, and when that happened in granddad’s village, he organized a church parish at his house, which was the biggest in the settlement. Also his family was old believers christians (staroobryadtsy).
After the cruel arrest his house and all the property been taken by communists.
This is the only photo of him, from secret personal file, which was recently declassified.






